Lingnan Secondary School

About LNSS
We are one of the secondary schools of the Lingnan Education Organisation, upholding the tradition of Guangzhou Lingnan School. In 1922, the primary section of Lingnan School was established in Hong Kong. It was then relocated on 15 Stubbs Road in 1928 and the junior secondary section was in place in 1946. The School moved to a new campus in Heng Fa Chuen in August 1999.
School Motto
Spread Christian Values, Search for Truth and Serve the Community
School Mission
Based on Christian values and the Lingnan tradition, we seek to cultivate the‘Red and Grey Spirit’which involves passion, loyalty, perseverance, openness to different ideas and cultures through a rich school life in order to‘honour God, the country and Lingnan’.
Approach to Nurturing Students
It is our aim to nurture students holistically, emphasizing the importance of good manners and values, inspiring our students to become independent lifelong learners with high aspirations and empowering our students to be proactive and collaborate with others. Principal Li Fung Lan focuses on the development of moral education, learning and teaching and classroom management, providing a loving and caring environment for our students. We endeavor to build on a foundation of love and care for one another so that our students can develop confidence and perseverance.
Moral Education
We place prime importance on character formation in students and develop the ladder of character traits and attributes including self-discipline, respect, empathy, perseverance, justice and distinction between right and wrong. A key part of our plan for moral education is to encourage students to fulfill responsibility towards themselves, their family, society and the nation. We have produced school-based books on moral and civic education in order to provide students with opportunities across the curriculum to foster understanding of moral concepts and instill positive values in students. Having designed an excellent module on gratefulness, we received the 1st Outstanding Teaching Award for Moral Education in 2017.
If you would like to know more about the school, please visit www.lingnan.edu.hk
School Videos
Lingnan Secondary School-Event Videos